Volume 1 (1 hour, 15 min)
1. St Mary Magdalen Feast Day
2. Custody of the Senses
3. Who is our neighbor
4. No one can serve two masters
5. Keep Holy the Sabbath Day
6. How Christ sees the sinner
7. The Wedding Garment
8. Forgiveness & Pride
9. Politics and Virtue
10. What went you out into the desert to see
Volume 2 (I hour, 19 min)
1. Preparing for the Nativity of Our Lord
2. Christmas and the Holy Innocents
3. Time & Eternity
4. The Virtue of Obedience
5. What Makes Us Worthy
6. Conscience, Intellect and the Will
7. The Wheat & the Cockle
8. Sower of Good Seed
9. Perfect Charity
10. The Three Temptations of the Devil
11. Our Guardian Angel and the Demons