Basic Information

Mass Location: St. Mary Magdalen Chapel, 2532 Ventura Blvd., Camarillo, CA 93010
Mass Time: Sunday 10 a.m. (check parish website bulletin for special feastdays which may be different)
Confessions: 9:15-9:45 a.m. - see schedule below

Monday, June 16, 2014

Picnic in the Park After Mass with Fr. Carcerano - June 22nd

Come and join us in the park after Mass from Noon until 4 p.m. on Sunday, June 22nd at the Camarillo community center park.

Bring your own lunch, beverage (no alcohol) and folding chair.  There is a horseshoe pit with horseshoes.  There will be a Bocce Ball set & Frisbees to use as well!  There are clean bathrooms and a new playground for the kids.  This will be a great opportunity for all of us to get to know Father & each other better! 

Directions from the Chapel:  From the Chapel driveway, turn left onto Ventura Blvd (west).  At Carmen Drive, turn right (north) to Modesto Avenue, turn right (east).  The park is on the right and the playground is across from 1014 East Modesto Ave., Camarillo, CA 93010.

Homily - Feast of the Most Holy Trinity - June 15, 2014

Rom. 11:33-36; Mt. 28:18-20

At some point in our lives, probably when we were very young, someone may have drawn a triangle and said the Trinity is something like this, one entity, a triangle, yet with three parts.  I would not fault that.  After all, St. Patrick, explained the Trinity with a three leafed clover and converted all of Ireland.

Homily - Pentecost - June 8, 2014

Acts 2:1-11; Jn. 14:23-31

Today is Pentecost, the end of the Easter Season and the birthday of the Church.  Our Lord, in His earthly ministry called forth all the components of the Church, and at Pentecost, with the gift of the Holy Ghost, it becomes a living reality.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Gregorian Chant Workshops at Saint Anne in San Diego

Watch the beautiful video to learn more, click here

At St. Anne Catholic Church, children as young as seven years old are learning the ancient art of singing Gregorian Chant while attending a fun, activities-packed, musical summer camp.  Under the direction of Mary Ann Carr-Wilson, the young campers study and sing the traditional music of the Latin Rite – particularly Gregorian chant and sacred polyphony. Watch this video to learn more about Chant Camp, or call (619) 239-8253 for more info or to register for Chant Camp 2014.  Registration as of May 30 – 110 youth and counting.  Workshop dates:

June 23-27 with a Solemn Mass Fri 27 June at Noon
July 14-18 with a Solemn Mass Fri 18 July at Noon

Homily - Sunday after the Ascension - June 1, 2014

1 Pt. 4:7-11; Jn. 15:26-27; 16:1-4

Today is the last Sunday before Pentecost.  The Gospel tells us that if we are to share the life of Christ in its fullness, that we will also share in the cross, in His sufferings, in His rejection by the world.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Sodality of Garcia Diego

The Sodality is a group of "young adult" Catholics in the Santa Barbara area. They come together for prayer, for companionship, and for mutual edification in the Faith. They seek to be different from many young adult groups by placing a greater emphasis on tradition and history.  They get together periodically for social gatherings (often at Harry's Plaza Cafe, a local restaurant whose walls are covered in historical photographs of Santa Barbara), for monthly sodality Masses, and for day trips.  Young adults can request to join their mailing list to receive announcements about planned events.

The Origin of the Sodality Name
 A sodality is a group of lay Catholics who gather in what may be called a union of prayer. Sodalities were quite common in the United States as Catholic youth movements in the first half of the twentieth century.  Bishop Francisco Garcia Diego y Moreno (1785-1846), after whom a local high school is named, was the first bishop of the Diocese of the Two Californias in the early 19th century. The seat of this bishopric was in Santa Barbara.

The Sodality Patroness
The Sodality places itself under the patronage of Nuestra Señora Refugio de Pecadores (Our Lady, Refuge of Sinners). Painting by Michael Aberle.

Explore the Sodality's blog here