Basic Information

Mass Location: St. Mary Magdalen Chapel, 2532 Ventura Blvd., Camarillo, CA 93010
Mass Time: Sunday 10 a.m. (check parish website bulletin for special feastdays which may be different)
Confessions: 9:15-9:45 a.m. - see schedule below

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Reminder of Special Events

10 AM October 29th:  Feast of Christ the King
There will be a Eucharistic Procession
at 10 a.m. around the church grounds before Mass.

6 PM November 2nd:  All Souls Day
Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Montecito)
Click here for more details...

Mass, Confession & Benediction Schedule - November 2017

7 PM November 1st:  All Saints 
Fr. Fryar - No Confessions
Mass intention:  All Saints

6 PM November 2nd:  All Souls
Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Montecito) 
Fr. Fryar - No Confessions
Mass intention:  All Souls

10 AM November 5th:  22nd Sunday after Pentecost   
Fr. Masutti - Confessions 9AM - Benediction after Mass
Mass intention:  Willie Burke (D)

10 AM November 12th:  23rd Sunday after Pentecost  
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9AM
Mass intention:   Thea Smith (D)

10 AM November 19th:  Resumed 6th Sunday after Epiphany  
Fr. Gonzalez - No Confessions
Mass intention:   Katherine Gilmore (D)

10 AM November 26th:  24th Sunday after Pentecost  
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9AM
Mass intention:  Steven Kowalski Family (L)

Sermon - 20th Sunday of Pentecost - October 22, 2017

Audio recording of Fr. Masutti's sermon on "Miracle of the Sun at Fatima" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (15.1 MB, 16:31 min)

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Sermon - 18th Sunday of Pentecost - October 8, 2017

Audio recording of Fr. Fryar's sermon on "If God is Good, Why Does He Permit Evil?" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (11.7 MB, 12:50 min)

Thursday, October 5, 2017

FSSP-LA Celebrates 10 Years of Summorum Pontificum

To commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Summorum Pontificum, the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter in Los Angeles has created a video. In spite of not yet having their own church, the video shows the impact that the Mass and the FSSP community has made in the lives of the people of Los Angeles.

Celebrating “Summorum Pontificum” • FSSP in Los Angeles

Sermon - 17th Sunday of Pentecost - October 1, 2017

Audio recording of Fr. Masutti's sermon on "The Vocation to Which You Are Called" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (15.1 MB, 16:29 min)