10 AM January 1st: Octave Day of Christmas
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9:15 AM
10 AM January 6th: Epiphany of the Lord
FSSP Priest – Confessions 9:15 AM
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Ruth Cahill (D)
10 AM January 13th: The Holy Family
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Zdenka Klement (D)
10 AM January 20th: Second Sunday after Epiphany
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Jirina Stiburek (D)
10 AM January 27th: Third Sunday after Epiphany
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Clara Hollis (D)
Basic Information
Mass Location: St. Mary Magdalen Chapel, 2532 Ventura Blvd., Camarillo, CA 93010
Mass Time: Sunday 10 a.m. (check parish website bulletin for special feastdays which may be different)
Confessions: 9:15-9:45 a.m. - see schedule below
Contact: latin.mass.smm@gmail.com
Mass Time: Sunday 10 a.m. (check parish website bulletin for special feastdays which may be different)
Confessions: 9:15-9:45 a.m. - see schedule below
Contact: latin.mass.smm@gmail.com
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Puer Natus Est Nobis (A Child is Born to Us)!
Puer Natus Est Nobis
Detail from one of the stained glass windows of Saint Mary Magdalen Chapel made by F.X. Zettler in Munich Germany. See all here
Introit (Isaiah 9: 6)
Puer natus est nobis, et filius datus est nobis: cujus imperium super humerum ejus: et vocabitur nomen ejus magni consilii Angelus. Vs. (Ps. 97: 1) Cantate Domino canticum novum, quia mirabilia fecit. Vs. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Puer natus est nobis, et filius datus est nobis: cujus imperium super humerum ejus: et vocabitur nomen ejus magni consilii Angelus.
A child is born to us, and a Son is given to us: Whose government is upon His shoulder: and His Name shall be called, the Angel of Great Counsel. Vs. (Ps. 97: 1) Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: because He hath done wonderful things. Vs. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. A child is born to us, and a Son is given to us: Whose government is upon His shoulder: and His Name shall be called, the Angel of Great Counsel.
Introit (Isaiah 9: 6)
Puer natus est nobis, et filius datus est nobis: cujus imperium super humerum ejus: et vocabitur nomen ejus magni consilii Angelus. Vs. (Ps. 97: 1) Cantate Domino canticum novum, quia mirabilia fecit. Vs. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen. Puer natus est nobis, et filius datus est nobis: cujus imperium super humerum ejus: et vocabitur nomen ejus magni consilii Angelus.
A child is born to us, and a Son is given to us: Whose government is upon His shoulder: and His Name shall be called, the Angel of Great Counsel. Vs. (Ps. 97: 1) Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: because He hath done wonderful things. Vs. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. A child is born to us, and a Son is given to us: Whose government is upon His shoulder: and His Name shall be called, the Angel of Great Counsel.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Epiphany Home Blessings 2019
Home Blessings for 2019 will begin on Monday, January 7, 2019.
The Epiphany Blessing is a very special and powerful blessing that you can have given to your home once a year after the Feast of the Epiphany. Because we can only bless a certain amount of homes in the given time frame we will have parameters for the sign up. The parameters are simple:
This will only be for members of St. Vitus Parish. Attendees of the Latin Mass at St. Mary Magdalen can register at St. Vitus. Remember that St. Vitus Parish extends throughout the Archdiocese so a parishioner would be someone who either attends St. Vitus each week or gives frequent donations to St. Vitus even though they live too far away to attend each week.
The next parameter is that those who did not get to have their house blessed last year get preference.
The final parameter is that those who sign up early and before Dec 25th will be mapped out first. Anyone signing up after then may or may not get their home blessed based on whether we can schedule more homes after the others are blessed.
To register as a parishioner of St. Vitus, please download the form, fill in and mail to address on form.
For members of St. Vitus, sign-up here for the Epiphany Blessing.
The Epiphany Blessing is a very special and powerful blessing that you can have given to your home once a year after the Feast of the Epiphany. Because we can only bless a certain amount of homes in the given time frame we will have parameters for the sign up. The parameters are simple:
This will only be for members of St. Vitus Parish. Attendees of the Latin Mass at St. Mary Magdalen can register at St. Vitus. Remember that St. Vitus Parish extends throughout the Archdiocese so a parishioner would be someone who either attends St. Vitus each week or gives frequent donations to St. Vitus even though they live too far away to attend each week.
The next parameter is that those who did not get to have their house blessed last year get preference.
The final parameter is that those who sign up early and before Dec 25th will be mapped out first. Anyone signing up after then may or may not get their home blessed based on whether we can schedule more homes after the others are blessed.
To register as a parishioner of St. Vitus, please download the form, fill in and mail to address on form.
For members of St. Vitus, sign-up here for the Epiphany Blessing.
The "O" Antiphons in Advent
Our Latin Mass choir has been singing the "O Antiphons" in Advent for several years. Each Sunday of Advent they sing two of the antiphons. Four of the O Antiphons were sung by our choir at the St. Mary Magdalen combined choirs Christmas Concert on Monday night, December 17th. Here are recordings of the three selections sung by the choir:
O Antiphons (1, 3, 5, 7)
Puer Natus in Bethlehem
En Natus Est Emanuel
The O Antiphons developed during the Church's very first centuries. There are seven of these special antiphons, and their texts spring from the Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures, the Prophetic and Wisdom Books. They are found in the Liturgy of the Hours or older Roman Breviary.
The O Antiphons are short prayers sung before and after the Magnificat, the great prayer of Mary in Luke 1:46-55 when coming visit to Elizabeth her cousin the Virgin praised God for His favor wondrous deeds. The Magnificat is sung during Vespers, evening prayer. The O Antiphons begin on 17 December, seven days before the Vigil of Christmas (24 December). The seventh and last antiphon is sung at Vespers on 23 December. They are called the "O Antiphons" because they all begin with the letter-word "O": they address Jesus by one of His Old Testament titles. They are fervent prayers asking Our Lord to come to us.
17 December: O Sapientia (O Wisdom)
18 December: O Adonai (O Lord)
19 December: O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse)
20 December: O Clavis David (O Key of David)
21 December: O Oriens (O Dayspring)
22 December: O Rex Gentium (O King of the Nations)
23 December: O Emmanuel (O God With Us)
Read more about the O Antiphons, their history, their meaning. Be sure to check the left side links for more details about each antiphon.
O Antiphons (1, 3, 5, 7)
Puer Natus in Bethlehem
En Natus Est Emanuel
The O Antiphons developed during the Church's very first centuries. There are seven of these special antiphons, and their texts spring from the Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures, the Prophetic and Wisdom Books. They are found in the Liturgy of the Hours or older Roman Breviary.
The O Antiphons are short prayers sung before and after the Magnificat, the great prayer of Mary in Luke 1:46-55 when coming visit to Elizabeth her cousin the Virgin praised God for His favor wondrous deeds. The Magnificat is sung during Vespers, evening prayer. The O Antiphons begin on 17 December, seven days before the Vigil of Christmas (24 December). The seventh and last antiphon is sung at Vespers on 23 December. They are called the "O Antiphons" because they all begin with the letter-word "O": they address Jesus by one of His Old Testament titles. They are fervent prayers asking Our Lord to come to us.
17 December: O Sapientia (O Wisdom)
18 December: O Adonai (O Lord)
19 December: O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse)
20 December: O Clavis David (O Key of David)
21 December: O Oriens (O Dayspring)
22 December: O Rex Gentium (O King of the Nations)
23 December: O Emmanuel (O God With Us)
Read more about the O Antiphons, their history, their meaning. Be sure to check the left side links for more details about each antiphon.
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Mass, Confession & Benediction Schedule - December 2018
10 AM December 2nd: First Sunday of Advent
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9:15 AM
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Joseph and Monica Seeley (L)
10 AM December 9th: Second Sunday of Advent
FSSP Priest – Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Hozie Burke (D)
10 AM December 16th: Third Sunday of Advent
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Vaclav Klement (D)
10 AM December 23rd: Fourth Sunday of Advent
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Clara Hollis (D)
10 AM December 25th: Christmas
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9:15 AM
10 AM December 30th: Sunday in the Octave of Christmas
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Rudolf Stiburek (D)
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9:15 AM
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Joseph and Monica Seeley (L)
10 AM December 9th: Second Sunday of Advent
FSSP Priest – Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Hozie Burke (D)
10 AM December 16th: Third Sunday of Advent
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Vaclav Klement (D)
10 AM December 23rd: Fourth Sunday of Advent
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Clara Hollis (D)
10 AM December 25th: Christmas
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9:15 AM
10 AM December 30th: Sunday in the Octave of Christmas
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Rudolf Stiburek (D)
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Sermon - Christ the King - October 28, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Masutti's sermon on "The Kingly Office of Our Lord and Savior" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (10.5 MB, 11.33 min)
Sermon (10.5 MB, 11.33 min)
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Mass, Confession & Benediction Schedule - November 2018
7 PM November 1st: All Saints
Fr. Raftery - No Confessions
Low Mass - Holy Day of Obligation
10 AM November 4th: 4th Resumed Sunday after Epiphany
Fr. Raftery – Confessions 9:15 AM
Low Mass, Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Susan Yamaguchi (L)
10 AM November 11th: 5th Resumed Sunday after Epiphany
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Hernan Roque Perales (L)
10 AM November 18th: 6th Resumed Sunday after Epiphany
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Holy Souls in Purgatory
10 AM November 25th: 24th and Last Sunday after Pentecost
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Eucharistic procession after Mass
Mass intention: Clara Hollis (D)
Fr. Raftery - No Confessions
Low Mass - Holy Day of Obligation
10 AM November 4th: 4th Resumed Sunday after Epiphany
Fr. Raftery – Confessions 9:15 AM
Low Mass, Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Susan Yamaguchi (L)
10 AM November 11th: 5th Resumed Sunday after Epiphany
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Hernan Roque Perales (L)
10 AM November 18th: 6th Resumed Sunday after Epiphany
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Holy Souls in Purgatory
10 AM November 25th: 24th and Last Sunday after Pentecost
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Eucharistic procession after Mass
Mass intention: Clara Hollis (D)
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Coming Soon!

To volunteer or learn more, please contact:
Tessie Navarro
Read about "Over 100 Benefits of Eucharistic Adoration"
Sermon - 22nd Sunday after Pentecost - October 21, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Gonzalez's sermon on "Mercy is God's Greatest Attribute" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (5.28 MB, 5.46 min)
Sermon (5.28 MB, 5.46 min)
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Latin Mass in Santa Barbara - Sunday October 28, 2018

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
1300 E Valley Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Sunday October 28, 2018 at 5 PM
Questions about the Mass, singing in the Choir or if you would like to help in any way, please contact: Jake DeTar at 509-710-9278 or jakedetar@yahoo.com
Sermon - Our Lady of the Rosary - October 7, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Fryar's sermon on "The Four Marks of the Church" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (16.9 MB, 18.3 min)
Sermon (16.9 MB, 18.3 min)
Friday, October 5, 2018
Mass, Confession & Benediction Schedule - October 2018
10 AM October 7th: Our Lady of the Rosary
Fr. Fryar – Confessions 9:15 AM
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Monica Watson (L)
10 AM October 14th: 21st Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Hozie Burke (D)
10 AM October 21st: 22nd Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Holy Souls in Purgatory
10 AM October 28th: Christ the King
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Eucharistic procession after Mass
Mass intention: Joseph O'Brien (D)
Fr. Fryar – Confessions 9:15 AM
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Monica Watson (L)
10 AM October 14th: 21st Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Hozie Burke (D)
10 AM October 21st: 22nd Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Holy Souls in Purgatory
10 AM October 28th: Christ the King
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Eucharistic procession after Mass
Mass intention: Joseph O'Brien (D)
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Sermon - 19th Sunday after Pentecost - September 30, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Masutti's sermon on "Stewardship of God's Providence" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (6.49 MB, 7.05 min)
Sermon (6.49 MB, 7.05 min)
Sermon - 18th Sunday after Pentecost - September 23, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Masutti's sermon on "Scrupulosity and Conscience" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (12.8 MB, 14.04 min)
Sermon (12.8 MB, 14.04 min)
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Hozie Burke – March 28, 1932 - September 21st 2018
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Hozie Burke |
Since the Traditional Latin Mass started at Mission San Buenaventura in 1997, Hozie had been ushering, cleaning and setting up the altar every Sunday, along with Hector Tarin. Every week he was there to help until his health would no longer allow him to do so. Hozie & Laura were very generous, purchasing the red missals for everyone's use. They often gave a ride to Fr. Morgan from Camarillo when Father was scheduled to offer Mass at the Mission. They made good friends with the other priests who came to the Mission for the TLM. Hozie will be greatly missed. Father Michael Carcerano who knew Hozie for many years, will conduct all of the memorial services.
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Laura & Hozie Burke |
Visitation - 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Rosary - 7:00 PM
Friday, September 28th
Reardon Funeral Home
757 East Main St, Ventura, CA 93001
Sung Latin Requiem Mass
Saturday, September 29, at 12:30 PM
Saint Mary Magdalen Chapel
2532 Ventura Blvd, Camarillo, CA 93010
Interment immediately following
Ivy Lawn Memorial Park
5400 Valentine Rd, Ventura, CA 93003
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Latin Mass in Santa Barbara - Sunday October 28, 2018
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
1300 E Valley Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Sunday October 28, 2018 at 5 PM
Mass offered by Fr. Aaron Bayles
Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter
Invite as many people as you can as it contributes greatly to the possibility of a regular Latin Mass in Santa Barbara!
Servers are needed! If you know any young men who are willing to teach, learn and/or serve, please forward this information.
Questions about the Mass, singing in the Choir or if you would like to help in any way, please contact:
Jake DeTar
1300 E Valley Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Sunday October 28, 2018 at 5 PM
Mass offered by Fr. Aaron Bayles
Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter
Invite as many people as you can as it contributes greatly to the possibility of a regular Latin Mass in Santa Barbara!
Servers are needed! If you know any young men who are willing to teach, learn and/or serve, please forward this information.
Questions about the Mass, singing in the Choir or if you would like to help in any way, please contact:
Jake DeTar
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Sermon - 17th Sunday after Pentecost - September 16, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Gonzalez's sermon on "Hold Fast to the Traditions that We Have Received" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (4.17 MB, 4.33 min)
Sermon (4.17 MB, 4.33 min)
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Meet our new Choir Director - Sean Donnelly!
Sean has been attending the Extraordinary Form Mass since before he could speak, and has been singing in Gregorian chant and polyphonic ensembles for over 20 years. He sang in Chorus Faustinae at Holy Family in Vancouver (an FSSP parish) for 12 years, and was a founding member Cantores Joannis Baptistae, a group dedicated to singing the 5 part Offertory motets of Palestrina. Sean moved to southern California to attend Thomas Aquinas College, and has remained in the Ventura County area since his graduation. Over the years, Sean has directed several ensembles, both at the College and in the surrounding community, and is excited to be able to continue his liturgical music ministry in the Traditional Latin Mass community at St. Mary Magdalen. He humbly requests your prayers both for himself and for the choir, that the praise of the Lord may bring forth charity in hearts of both those who sing and those who hear.
Sean will begin choir rehearsals next week and hopes to resume singing High Mass on September 23rd.
Sean will begin choir rehearsals next week and hopes to resume singing High Mass on September 23rd.
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Sermon - 16th Sunday after Pentecost - September 9, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Fryar's sermon on "Keep Holy the Sabbath Day" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (11.0 MB, 12.04 min)
Sermon (11.0 MB, 12.04 min)
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Mass, Confession & Benediction Schedule - September 2018
10 AM September 2nd: 15th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Raftery – Confessions 9:15 AM
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Charles Fletcher (D)
10 AM September 9th: 16th Sunday after Pentecost
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Brian & Paula Maddux (L)
10 AM September 16th: 17th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Leo Raab (L)
10 AM September 23rd: 18th Sunday after Pentecost
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Hozie Burke (L)
10 AM September 30th: 19th Sunday after Pentecost
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Confraternity of St. Peter
Fr. Raftery – Confessions 9:15 AM
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Charles Fletcher (D)
10 AM September 9th: 16th Sunday after Pentecost
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Brian & Paula Maddux (L)
10 AM September 16th: 17th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Leo Raab (L)
10 AM September 23rd: 18th Sunday after Pentecost
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Hozie Burke (L)
10 AM September 30th: 19th Sunday after Pentecost
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Confraternity of St. Peter
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Sermon - 14th Sunday after Pentecost - August 26, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Masutti's sermon on "Consecration to the Immaculate Heart" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (12.9 MB, 14.09 min)
A Solemn Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sermon (12.9 MB, 14.09 min)
A Solemn Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Sermon - 13th Sunday after Pentecost - August 19, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Gonzalez's sermon on "Failure to Give Thanks to God" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (3.35 MB, 3.40 min)
Sermon (3.35 MB, 3.40 min)
Sermon - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - August 15, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Fryar's sermon on "The Hope of the Resurrection" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (5.46 MB, 5.58 min)
Sermon (5.46 MB, 5.58 min)
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Holy Day of Obligation - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Low Mass
St. Mary Magdalen Chapel
Wednesday at 7:00 PM
August 15th, 2019
Fr. Fryar
No Confessions
On August 15 the universal Church celebrates the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in which we commemorate her being taken up body and soul into heaven when her earthly life was finished. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us: “The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, when the course of her earthly life was completed, was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven, where she already shares in the glory of her Son's Resurrection, anticipating the resurrection of all members of His Body” (974). Thus, the Assumption looks to eternity and gives us hope that we, too, will follow Our Lady when our life is ended.
The Assumption first began to be celebrated as a feast day in the Eastern Church after the Ecumenical Council of Ephesus (431) proclaimed Mary the Mother of God. By the sixth century, the feast celebrated Mary’s Dormition, “her falling asleep.” The western church began to celebrate this feast around 650. St. John Damascene (675-749), an early Father and Doctor of the Church, expressed the belief of his time by writing that Mary’s “pure and sinless body was not left on earth but was transferred to a heavenly throne.” The Church’s teaching on the Assumption was formally proclaimed a doctrine by Pope Pius XII in 1950.
On this Feast Day, we honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, who always directs us to her Son. According to Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, “The main ministry of Mary is to incline men’s hearts to obedience to the Will of her Divine Son.” Her last recorded words at Cana are the words that she conveys to us on the solemnity of the Assumption: “Do whatever He tells you.” She asks us to be obedient to Him, to surrender our hearts to Him, and to say “Yes” to Him, just as she did, despite our uncertainties. She desires that we come to Him with open and contrite hearts, seeking His mercy and His holy will in our lives, so that we may one day be united with Him in heaven for all eternity. The Blessed Mother is our advocate and guide in this life who loves us as only a mother can. Her maternal heart overflows with compassion for us, and she is always there for us, eager to listen to our prayers, and to draw us closer to the heart of her Son. Our Blessed Mother has preceded us into Heaven so that on the day of final judgment she will be there to accompany us on our eternal journey.
Low Mass
St. Mary Magdalen Chapel
Wednesday at 7:00 PM
August 15th, 2019
Fr. Fryar
No Confessions
On August 15 the universal Church celebrates the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in which we commemorate her being taken up body and soul into heaven when her earthly life was finished. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us: “The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, when the course of her earthly life was completed, was taken up body and soul into the glory of heaven, where she already shares in the glory of her Son's Resurrection, anticipating the resurrection of all members of His Body” (974). Thus, the Assumption looks to eternity and gives us hope that we, too, will follow Our Lady when our life is ended.
The Assumption first began to be celebrated as a feast day in the Eastern Church after the Ecumenical Council of Ephesus (431) proclaimed Mary the Mother of God. By the sixth century, the feast celebrated Mary’s Dormition, “her falling asleep.” The western church began to celebrate this feast around 650. St. John Damascene (675-749), an early Father and Doctor of the Church, expressed the belief of his time by writing that Mary’s “pure and sinless body was not left on earth but was transferred to a heavenly throne.” The Church’s teaching on the Assumption was formally proclaimed a doctrine by Pope Pius XII in 1950.
On this Feast Day, we honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, who always directs us to her Son. According to Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, “The main ministry of Mary is to incline men’s hearts to obedience to the Will of her Divine Son.” Her last recorded words at Cana are the words that she conveys to us on the solemnity of the Assumption: “Do whatever He tells you.” She asks us to be obedient to Him, to surrender our hearts to Him, and to say “Yes” to Him, just as she did, despite our uncertainties. She desires that we come to Him with open and contrite hearts, seeking His mercy and His holy will in our lives, so that we may one day be united with Him in heaven for all eternity. The Blessed Mother is our advocate and guide in this life who loves us as only a mother can. Her maternal heart overflows with compassion for us, and she is always there for us, eager to listen to our prayers, and to draw us closer to the heart of her Son. Our Blessed Mother has preceded us into Heaven so that on the day of final judgment she will be there to accompany us on our eternal journey.
Sermon - 11th Sunday after Pentecost - August 5, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Masutti's sermon on "Sins of the Tongue" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (12.3 MB, 13.27 min)
Sermon (12.3 MB, 13.27 min)
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Mass, Confession & Benediction Schedule - August 2018
10 AM August 5th: 11th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Masutti – Confessions 9:15 AM
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Marcella Senkus Barisa (D)
10 AM August 12th: 12th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Christian Milan (L)
7 PM August 15th: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
FSSP Priest - No Confessions
Mass intention: All Parishioners
10 AM August 19th: 13th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Leo & Debra Raab (L)
10 AM August 26th: 14th Sunday after Pentecost
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Katie & Alex Abbud (L)
Fr. Masutti – Confessions 9:15 AM
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Marcella Senkus Barisa (D)
10 AM August 12th: 12th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Christian Milan (L)
7 PM August 15th: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
FSSP Priest - No Confessions
Mass intention: All Parishioners
10 AM August 19th: 13th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Leo & Debra Raab (L)
10 AM August 26th: 14th Sunday after Pentecost
FSSP Priest - Confessions 9:15 AM
Mass intention: Katie & Alex Abbud (L)
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Pray for Holy Vocations to the Religious Life
As you continue to pray for Holy Vocations to the Religious Life, please keep in prayer one of our own Latin Mass Community members, Nastia Chell who will this August 1st, enter the convent as a postulant to The Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick.
The Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick, consecrated as they are to the service of God and the Church, aspire after perfect charity, following Christ through the practice of the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience, living in community and dedicating themselves for the love of God to the diligent and gratuitous care of the sick, preferably in their own homes, seeing in them Christ Himself: “I was sick and you visited me” (Mt. 25, 36).
The Congregation was blessed and approved officially by the Church on July 11, 1876. As every Institute approved by the Church, The Congregation of the Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick has the obligation of participating actively in the salvific mission of the same Church, maintaining the charism and service received from our Mother Foundress, Saint Maria Soledad.
Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick
The Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick, consecrated as they are to the service of God and the Church, aspire after perfect charity, following Christ through the practice of the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience, living in community and dedicating themselves for the love of God to the diligent and gratuitous care of the sick, preferably in their own homes, seeing in them Christ Himself: “I was sick and you visited me” (Mt. 25, 36).
The Congregation was blessed and approved officially by the Church on July 11, 1876. As every Institute approved by the Church, The Congregation of the Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick has the obligation of participating actively in the salvific mission of the same Church, maintaining the charism and service received from our Mother Foundress, Saint Maria Soledad.
Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick
140 North “G” Street
Oxnard, CA 93030-5214
(805) 486 – 5502
Vocation Director: ssofmary.voc.ox@gmail.com
(805) 486 – 5502
Vocation Director: ssofmary.voc.ox@gmail.com
Friday, July 20, 2018
Latin Mass in Santa Barbara - Sunday July 29, 2018
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
1300 E Valley Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Sunday July 29, 2018 at 5 PM
Information about the Mass
or singing in the Choir, contact:
Jake DeTar
1300 E Valley Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Sunday July 29, 2018 at 5 PM
Information about the Mass
or singing in the Choir, contact:
Jake DeTar
Sermon - 7th Sunday after Pentecost - July 7, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Masutti's sermon on "The Good Tree Bears Good Fruit" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (13.2 MB, 14.25 min)
Sermon (13.2 MB, 14.25 min)
Sermon - The Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ - July 1, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Latimer's sermon on "The Precious Blood" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (6.61 MB, 7.13 min)
Sermon (6.61 MB, 7.13 min)
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Mass, Confession & Benediction Schedule - July 2018
10 AM July 1st: The Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Fr. Latimer – Confessions 9 AM
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Bart Barisa (L)
10 AM July 8th: 7th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Masutti - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Barbara Schwab (L)
10 AM July 15th: 8th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Alyssa Watson (L)
10 AM July22nd: 9th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Masutti - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Elena Carrillo (D)
10 AM July 29th: 10th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Michaela Watson (L)
Fr. Latimer – Confessions 9 AM
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Bart Barisa (L)
10 AM July 8th: 7th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Masutti - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Barbara Schwab (L)
10 AM July 15th: 8th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Alyssa Watson (L)
10 AM July22nd: 9th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Masutti - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Elena Carrillo (D)
10 AM July 29th: 10th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Michaela Watson (L)
Sunday, July 1, 2018
Saint Vitus Church Dedication
St. Vitus in San Fernando is the first parish to be operated by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter.
The smell of incense and drywall mingled while more than two hundred people attended the dedication of St. Vitus Catholic Church in San Fernando. This church is the first in Los Angeles to be operated by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), an order of priests dedicated to traditional liturgy, specifically the Latin Mass.
As the FSSP is dedicated to the Latin Mass, so too will their church be: Archbishop José H. Gomez dedicated the church according to the Latin liturgy, saying the dedicatory prayers in Latin and sprinkling the outside and inside of the church while the choir chanted the Litany of the Saints. Read more...
Photos of Remodel & Dedication
The smell of incense and drywall mingled while more than two hundred people attended the dedication of St. Vitus Catholic Church in San Fernando. This church is the first in Los Angeles to be operated by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), an order of priests dedicated to traditional liturgy, specifically the Latin Mass.
As the FSSP is dedicated to the Latin Mass, so too will their church be: Archbishop José H. Gomez dedicated the church according to the Latin liturgy, saying the dedicatory prayers in Latin and sprinkling the outside and inside of the church while the choir chanted the Litany of the Saints. Read more...
Photos of Remodel & Dedication
Latin Mass in Santa Barbara - Sunday July 29, 2018
A Traditional Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form) will be offered by Reverend David Gonzalez, O.Praem., chaplain of Thomas Aquinas College.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
1300 E Valley Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Sunday July 29, 2018 at 5 PM
Please share on social media and/or print and post! Please bring people to the Mass! If anyone would like to help in any way, please contact Jake DeTar at 509-710-9278 or jakedetar@yahoo.com. Be sure to "like" the 805 Catholic page on Facebook so that you can receive updates and like & share posts there as well!
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
1300 E Valley Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Sunday July 29, 2018 at 5 PM
Please share on social media and/or print and post! Please bring people to the Mass! If anyone would like to help in any way, please contact Jake DeTar at 509-710-9278 or jakedetar@yahoo.com. Be sure to "like" the 805 Catholic page on Facebook so that you can receive updates and like & share posts there as well!
Sermon - Nativity of St. John the Baptist - June 24, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Masutti's sermon on "Saint John the Baptist on the Virtue of Humility" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (10.5 MB, 11.29 min)
Sermon (10.5 MB, 11.29 min)
Sermon - 4th Sunday after Pentecost - June 17, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Masutti's sermon on "Saint Peter Patron of FSSP & Fisher of Men" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (7.48 MB, 8.10 min)
Sermon (7.48 MB, 8.10 min)
Sermon - 3rd Sunday after Pentecost - June 10, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Masutti's sermon on "Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (9.93 MB, 10.51 min)
Sermon (9.93 MB, 10.51 min)
Saturday, June 2, 2018
Mass, Confession & Benediction Schedule - June 2018
10 AM June 3rd: Solemnity of Corpus Christi
Fr. Masutti – Confessions 9 AM
Eucharistic Procession & Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Eric & Kathleen Dodge (L)
10 AM June 10th: 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Fryar or Masutti - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Holy Souls in Purgatory
10 AM June 17th: 4th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Fryar or Masutti - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Jonathan Milan (L)
10 AM June 24th: Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Fr. Fryar or Masutti - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Andrew Petracca (L)
Fr. Masutti – Confessions 9 AM
Eucharistic Procession & Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Eric & Kathleen Dodge (L)
10 AM June 10th: 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Fryar or Masutti - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Holy Souls in Purgatory
10 AM June 17th: 4th Sunday after Pentecost
Fr. Fryar or Masutti - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Jonathan Milan (L)
10 AM June 24th: Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Fr. Fryar or Masutti - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Andrew Petracca (L)
Sermon - Pentecost Sunday - May 20, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Fryar's sermon on "Pentecost" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (7.27 MB, 7.56 min)
Sermon (7.27 MB, 7.56 min)
Sermon - Sunday after the Ascension - May 13, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Masutti's sermon on "Mothers Day and Our Lady of Fatima" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (14.2 MB, 15.3 min)
Sermon (14.2 MB, 15.3 min)
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Mothers Day Fundraiser for the Fraternity & Life Centers

Chapel Veil (made in Spain) $40
License Plate Frame $30
Coffee Mug $20
FSSP.LA decals $5
Keychain $20
Rosary, small $5
Rosary, medium $10
Rosary, large $20
Rosary, FSSP Commemorative $100
Also Life Centers of Ventura County will be selling Orchid corsages for Mother's Day gifts.
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Saint Vitus Remodel Photos

Remodel Photos
Photos from the Latin Mass in Santa Barbara 4/29
With generous permission from the pastor, Fr. Lawrence Seyer a third Extraordinary Form, sung High Mass in Latin was hosted at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Montecito. In attendance were 190 of the faithful, including "The Floriani" men's choir under the direction of Giorgio Navarini. Father Paul Raftery, O.P. offered the Traditional Latin Mass.
Photos from this Mass on April 29, 2018
Photos from the First Mass on April 30, 2017
Photos from this Mass on April 29, 2018
Photos from the First Mass on April 30, 2017
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Sermon - 4th Sunday after Easter - April 29, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Masutti's sermon on "The Reality of the Resurrection" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (13.4 MB, 14.4 min)
Sermon (13.4 MB, 14.4 min)
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Mass, Confession & Benediction Schedule - May 2018
10 AM May 6th: 5th Sunday after Easter
Fr. Masutti – Confessions 9 AM
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Martin Dayao (D)
Fr. Masutti – Confessions 9 AM
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Martin Dayao (D)
7 PM May 10th: Ascension
Fr. Raftery - No Confessions
10 AM May 13th: Sunday after the Ascension
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Helen Milan (L)
10 AM May 20th: Pentecost Sunday
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Michael Watson (L)
10 AM May 27th: Trinity Sunday
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Helen Milan (L)
Fr. Raftery - No Confessions
10 AM May 13th: Sunday after the Ascension
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Helen Milan (L)
10 AM May 20th: Pentecost Sunday
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Michael Watson (L)
10 AM May 27th: Trinity Sunday
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Helen Milan (L)
Sermon - 3rd Sunday after Easter - April 22, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Fryar's sermon on "Perseverance" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (8.06 MB, 8:48 min)
Sermon (8.06 MB, 8:48 min)
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Latin Mass in Santa Barbara - 4th Sunday after Easter

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church
1300 E Valley Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Sunday, April 29th at 5pm
Questions? Want to volunteer to assist (usher, server, choir)?
Contact the Santa Barbara Latin Mass Coordinator:
Jake Detar
Monday, April 16, 2018
Latin Mass in Santa Barbara - 4th Sunday after Easter

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church
1300 E Valley Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Sunday, April 29th at 5pm
Questions? Want to volunteer to assist (usher, server, choir)?
Contact the Santa Barbara Latin Mass Coordinator:
Jake Detar
Sermon - 2nd Sunday after Easter - April 15, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Gonzalez's sermon on "Christ is the Good Shepherd" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (3.89 MB, 4:15 min)
Sermon (3.89 MB, 4:15 min)
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Easter Sunday (No Confessions)
1 PM April 1st: Easter Sunday
Fr. Masutti – No Confessions
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Joseph Seeley (L)
Fr. Masutti – No Confessions
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Joseph Seeley (L)
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Mass, Confession & Benediction Schedule - April 2018
2 PM March 31st: Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil (3 hour length)
This Mass fulfills the Sunday obligation
Fr. Fryar - No Confessions
1 PM April 1st: Easter Sunday
Fr. Masutti – No Confessions
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Joseph Seeley (L)
10 AM April 8th: Low Sunday (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Theodore Cahill (D)
10 AM April 15th: 2nd Sunday after Easter
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Margaret Ortiz (D)
10 AM April 22nd: 3rd Sunday after Easter
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Mary Cahill (D)
10 AM April 29th: 4th Sunday after Easter
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Mercedes Dayao (D)
This Mass fulfills the Sunday obligation
Fr. Fryar - No Confessions
1 PM April 1st: Easter Sunday
Fr. Masutti – No Confessions
Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Joseph Seeley (L)
10 AM April 8th: Low Sunday (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Theodore Cahill (D)
10 AM April 15th: 2nd Sunday after Easter
Fr. Gonzalez - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Margaret Ortiz (D)
10 AM April 22nd: 3rd Sunday after Easter
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Mary Cahill (D)
10 AM April 29th: 4th Sunday after Easter
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Mercedes Dayao (D)
Latin Mass in Santa Barbara - 4th Sunday after Easter

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church
1300 E Valley Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Sunday, April 29th at 5pm
If you plan to attend or are interested in future news on the Traditional Latin Mass in the Santa Barbara area, add your contact information here. Please invite others!!!
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Mass, Confession & Benediction Schedule - March 2018
10 AM March 4th: 3rd Sunday of Lent
Fr. Fryar – Confessions 9 AM - Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Richard Urick (D)
10 AM March 11th: 4th Sunday of Lent
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Virginia Ann Campbell (D)
10 AM March 18th: Passion Sunday
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: John Joseph Barisa (L)
10 AM March 25th: Palm Sunday
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Stephanie Milan (L)
2 PM March 31st: Holy Saturday
Fr. Fryar - No Confessions
Fr. Fryar – Confessions 9 AM - Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Richard Urick (D)
10 AM March 11th: 4th Sunday of Lent
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Virginia Ann Campbell (D)
10 AM March 18th: Passion Sunday
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: John Joseph Barisa (L)
10 AM March 25th: Palm Sunday
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Stephanie Milan (L)
2 PM March 31st: Holy Saturday
Fr. Fryar - No Confessions
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Sermon - 2nd Sunday of Lent - February 25, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Fryar's sermon on "The Virtuous Friendship is based on Truth not Relativism" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (9.97 MB, 10:53 min)
Sermon (9.97 MB, 10:53 min)
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Sermon - 1st Sunday of Lent - February 18, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Gonzalez's sermon on "Remember Man That Thou Art Dust" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (6.01 MB, 6:34 min)
Sermon (6.01 MB, 6:34 min)
Sermon - Sexagesima Sunday - February 4, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Fryar's sermon on "Perseverance in Lenten Penance" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (10.8 MB, 11:51 min)
Sermon (10.8 MB, 11:51 min)
Sermon - Septuagesima Sunday - January 28, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Masutti's sermon on "Blessed Are The Merciful" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (5.61 MB, 6:08 min)
Discernment of Priestly Vocation
Altar Serving (3.26 MB, 3:34 min)
Sermon (5.61 MB, 6:08 min)
Discernment of Priestly Vocation
Altar Serving (3.26 MB, 3:34 min)
Friday, February 16, 2018
Lenten Day of Recollection - Saturday, February 17th, 2018
![]() |
Saint Mary Magdalen Chapel |
The day will begin with Low Mass at Noon, followed by two talks presented by Fr. Fryar, FSSP in the Museum, then Benediction afterwards in the Chapel. The day will end with a light dinner in the Museum, concluding by 6PM.
The Sacrament of Confession will be made available during the program as time permits.
Friday, February 9, 2018
The 2018 Monterey Latin Mass Conference
Ending the Ecclesial Crisis: The Fatima Perspective
Monterey, California - February 24-25, 2018
Bishop Athanasius Schneider will be our featured Guest Speaker at the conference in Monterey California! Also speaking again will be Father Joseph Illo, Pastor of Star of the Sea parish in San Francisco, California; Father Brian Harrison, O.S., M.A., S.T.D., Chaplain of St. Mary of Victories Chapel in downtown St. Louis, Missouri; and Christopher Ferrara, Esquire, President American Catholic Lawyers Association. Additional Special Guests who will be with us are Father Kenneth Baker, S.J. and Father Gerard Saguto, FSSP, District Superior of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter. Read more....
Sacred Liturgy Conference - Transfiguration in the Eucharist - June 27 - 30
Schola Cantus Angelorum is pleased to announce the sixth annual Sacred Liturgy Conference to be held in Salem, Oregon, June 27-30, 2018. The theme is “Transfiguration in the Eucharist” and will focus on the Eucharist as the way of beholding Jesus in His glory.
Special guest speakers will include Bishop Athanasius Schneider from Astana, Kazakhstan, Rev. Cassian Folsom, OSB from Norcia, Italy, Bishop James D. Conley from Lincoln, NE and many other distinguished presenters.
Registration includes an opening night reception, twelve lecture presentations, Q&A session, two catered lunches, a dinner banquet and four beautiful liturgies celebrated with Gregorian Chant in both forms of the Roman rite and the Dominican rite. There will also be ample opportunity for confession, Eucharistic adoration and Catholic fellowship. In addition, Alex Begin will conduct workshops for priests, deacons and seminarians on celebrating the Extraordinary Form of the Mass and Nicholas Lemme will lead his very popular workshops on learning the basics of Gregorian chant.
From its modest beginnings in 2013 this conference has grown into a premiere annual event with participants coming from throughout the United States and beyond. Our mission however remains the same; to educate and inspire the faithful about the life changing realities of the holy Mass, to encourage dignity and beauty in the celebration of the sacred liturgy and to promote the use of sacred music according to the mind of the Church.
The Sacred Liturgy Conference is open to anyone interested in the treasures of the Catholic Faith, and promises to be intellectually, liturgically, and spiritually enriching. Come join us as we deepen our understanding and love for the Holy Eucharist, and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Read more....
Special guest speakers will include Bishop Athanasius Schneider from Astana, Kazakhstan, Rev. Cassian Folsom, OSB from Norcia, Italy, Bishop James D. Conley from Lincoln, NE and many other distinguished presenters.
Registration includes an opening night reception, twelve lecture presentations, Q&A session, two catered lunches, a dinner banquet and four beautiful liturgies celebrated with Gregorian Chant in both forms of the Roman rite and the Dominican rite. There will also be ample opportunity for confession, Eucharistic adoration and Catholic fellowship. In addition, Alex Begin will conduct workshops for priests, deacons and seminarians on celebrating the Extraordinary Form of the Mass and Nicholas Lemme will lead his very popular workshops on learning the basics of Gregorian chant.
From its modest beginnings in 2013 this conference has grown into a premiere annual event with participants coming from throughout the United States and beyond. Our mission however remains the same; to educate and inspire the faithful about the life changing realities of the holy Mass, to encourage dignity and beauty in the celebration of the sacred liturgy and to promote the use of sacred music according to the mind of the Church.
The Sacred Liturgy Conference is open to anyone interested in the treasures of the Catholic Faith, and promises to be intellectually, liturgically, and spiritually enriching. Come join us as we deepen our understanding and love for the Holy Eucharist, and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Read more....
Friday, February 2, 2018
Mass, Confession & Benediction Schedule - February 2018
10 AM February 4th: Sexagesima Sunday
Fr. Fryar – Confessions 9 AM - Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Carmen Palato Aguilar (D)
10 AM February 11th: Quinquagesima Sunday
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Helen Milan (L)
10 AM February 18th: 1st Sunday of Lent
Fr. Gonzales - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Roy Rohter (D)
10 AM February 25th: 2nd Sunday of Lent
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Barbara & John Schwab (L)
Fr. Fryar – Confessions 9 AM - Benediction after Mass
Mass intention: Carmen Palato Aguilar (D)
10 AM February 11th: Quinquagesima Sunday
Fr. Raftery - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Helen Milan (L)
10 AM February 18th: 1st Sunday of Lent
Fr. Gonzales - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Roy Rohter (D)
10 AM February 25th: 2nd Sunday of Lent
Fr. Fryar - Confessions 9 AM
Mass intention: Barbara & John Schwab (L)
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Sacred Beauty Conference - Saints Peter & Paul - March 3, 2018
The conference includes a Solemn High Mass in the Norbertine Rite and begins at 9:00 AM on Saturday, March 3rd
Sts Peter and Paul Church
515 West Opp Street
Wilmington, CA 90744
Registration: $20.00
The conferences will include talks on Sacred Beauty in the Liturgy, Gregorian Chant, Sacred Polyphony, Sacred Architecture and Sacred Vestments, and Sacred Art in the Modern World.
Click here for Event flyer... Pre-registration or for more information email Father Jacob Hsieh at: frjacob@stmichaelsabbey.com
Sts Peter and Paul Church
515 West Opp Street
Wilmington, CA 90744
Registration: $20.00
The conferences will include talks on Sacred Beauty in the Liturgy, Gregorian Chant, Sacred Polyphony, Sacred Architecture and Sacred Vestments, and Sacred Art in the Modern World.
Click here for Event flyer... Pre-registration or for more information email Father Jacob Hsieh at: frjacob@stmichaelsabbey.com
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Sermon - 3rd Sunday after Epiphany - January 21, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Fryar's sermon on the "The Sign of the Cross" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (9.58 MB, 10:28 min)
Sermon (9.58 MB, 10:28 min)
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Cancelled - Latin Mass in Santa Barbara - Septuagesima Sunday
Due to the devastation of the mudslide in Montecito, the continuing mandatory evacuation and the numerous road closures, the Septuagesima Sunday ‐ January 28th Mass is Cancelled at Our Lady of Mount Carmel ‐ 1300 East Valley Road, Montecito.
Please continue to pray for those who lost their lives, were injured and/or lost homes and property in this disaster. Among those who lost their lives, was Roy Rohter, the proponent for the Traditional Latin Masses held at Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Other previously scheduled Extraordinary Form Latin Masses at Our Lady of Mount Carmel are still planned for the Sundays of April 29th, July 29th, October 28th.
Please continue to pray for those who lost their lives, were injured and/or lost homes and property in this disaster. Among those who lost their lives, was Roy Rohter, the proponent for the Traditional Latin Masses held at Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Other previously scheduled Extraordinary Form Latin Masses at Our Lady of Mount Carmel are still planned for the Sundays of April 29th, July 29th, October 28th.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a moving way to express devotion
to Our Lord by making reparation through adoration for the offenses committed
against His Sacred Heart. Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, a 17th century nun,
made devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus best known after He revealed His
desire to her in visions that we all acknowledge His tremendous love for us.
The symbolic image of Christ’s heart burning with love for us, even while pierced with the thorns of our indifference and ingratitude, as in the painting above, is also associated with this devotion.
Faithful Catholics around the world show Jesus their love in prayers such as the Litany of the Sacred Heart. Many also visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament in this devotion and receive Communion at Mass on the First Friday of each month in a spirit of reparation for the hostility and indifference he suffers from unrepentant sinners.
The Litany of the Sacred Heart is one of six litanies approved for public use by the Church and is often prayed during First Friday services. When prayed publicly, the congregation’s lines are in italics.
Printable Litany
The symbolic image of Christ’s heart burning with love for us, even while pierced with the thorns of our indifference and ingratitude, as in the painting above, is also associated with this devotion.
Faithful Catholics around the world show Jesus their love in prayers such as the Litany of the Sacred Heart. Many also visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament in this devotion and receive Communion at Mass on the First Friday of each month in a spirit of reparation for the hostility and indifference he suffers from unrepentant sinners.
The Litany of the Sacred Heart is one of six litanies approved for public use by the Church and is often prayed during First Friday services. When prayed publicly, the congregation’s lines are in italics.
Printable Litany
Sermon - Holy Family - January 7, 2018
Audio recording of Fr. Masutti's sermon on the "The Holy Family is the Image of the Holy Trinity" at St. Mary Magdalen Chapel in Camarillo.
Sermon (14.00 MB, 15:23 min)
Sermon (14.00 MB, 15:23 min)
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Latin Mass in Santa Barbara - Septuagesima Sunday
Septuagesima Sunday ‐ January 28th at 5pm
Our Lady of Mount Carmel ‐ 1300 East Valley Road, Montecito
A Traditional Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite) offered by
Fr. David Gonzalez, O. Praem., Thomas Aquinas College Chaplain
And combined choir directed by Andrew Petracca of Saint Mary Magdalen
Septuagesima is the ninth Sunday before Easter. The pre‐Lent season beginning
with Septuagesima and Lent are both times of penance. Septuagesima is a time of voluntary fasting in preparation for the obligatory Great Fast of Lent. Sobriety and somberness reign liturgically; the Alleluia and Gloria are banished. Throughout this short Season and that of Lent there is a deepening sense of penance and somberness, culminating in Passiontide (the last two weeks of Lent), that will suddenly and joyously end at the Vigil of Easter on Holy Saturday when the alleluia returns and Christ's Body is restored and glorified.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel ‐ 1300 East Valley Road, Montecito
A Traditional Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite) offered by
Fr. David Gonzalez, O. Praem., Thomas Aquinas College Chaplain
And combined choir directed by Andrew Petracca of Saint Mary Magdalen
Septuagesima is the ninth Sunday before Easter. The pre‐Lent season beginning
with Septuagesima and Lent are both times of penance. Septuagesima is a time of voluntary fasting in preparation for the obligatory Great Fast of Lent. Sobriety and somberness reign liturgically; the Alleluia and Gloria are banished. Throughout this short Season and that of Lent there is a deepening sense of penance and somberness, culminating in Passiontide (the last two weeks of Lent), that will suddenly and joyously end at the Vigil of Easter on Holy Saturday when the alleluia returns and Christ's Body is restored and glorified.
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